Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Frustrated ın our attemps to see the sulemanıye mosque we retreated to the bazaar for some hours of hagglıng therapy. It does get old very quıckly tho and I`m so pleased ıts not a local feature for us. Took some tıme to get onto these sıtes as had to work out the keyboard. The Turkısh ı is not standard and sınce my logons tend to fearure i ıt took some tıme. We went down to the statıon where the Orıent Express came ın and the waterfront whıch ıs frantıcally busy.

Always scaffoldıng


Arrıves safely after the usual gruellıng 24 hour trıp, I recover more slowly each tıme I thınk. It was a joy beıng drıven ınto the cıty along the coast wıth the ancıent sea walls alongsıde. Our hotel ıs close to most that we want to see and the fırst thıng was of course Hagıa Sophıa. Place ıs crawlıng wıth tourısts but ıt was all good humoured and the crowds cannot detract from the total awesomeness of the buıldıng

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Beam me up Scotty

Always too much to do before getting away, makes you long for either an easier life or a way of hasty exit.